Sunday, March 26, 2006


cross stitch meme for sunday

1. How old were you when you started stitching?
I was about 9 years old

2. How many years have you been at it?
Hmm.. That would have been 25 yrs ago, however I was very intermittent about any needle work until about 15 yrs ago. I did a few projects in college, but I didn't get going until I found L&L and Mira patterns :) I have been more or less full steam for 10 yrs.

3. Self taught or did someone teach you?
My mother showed me the basics. Details about beads and fabrics and specialty flosses I picked up on the web.

4. What was your first project?
It was a stamped sampler my sister started for a school project but abandoned. She did a small part and I did the rest of it.

Click here if you want to know more about memes. (they are essentially questions to blog about :) ) Feel free to grab the questions and post them in your blog with answers :)


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